Medium- and heavy-duty long-haul and drayage trucks comprise the second largest categories of GHG emissions in the transportation sector and goods movement represents the region’s largest source of air pollution. This category represents a streamlined effort to map out the future of zero emissions goods movement in the region.
Goods Movement
Guiding Principles
Ensure that infrastructure planning and investments support modern zero-emission freight corridors
Improve freight efficiency and transition goods movement to zero-emissions technologies
Increase competitiveness and future economic growth within the freight sector in the Greater LA region and across California
Sectors and Targets
Goods charging infrastructure
10,000-100,000 zero emission chargers installed for goods movement
Low: SCE’s target based on May 2018 CPUC decision.
High: Based on number of heavy-duty and medium-trucks.
Heavy-duty drayage trucks
10-40% of drayage trucks on the road are zero emissions
Low: SCE target for 2030 scaled to 2028
High: Aggressive target to support Paris and to meet Clean Air Action Plan to meet zero emissions by 2035
Heavy-duty long haul trucks
5-25% of trucks on the road are zero emission vehicles
Low: SCE target for 2030 scaled to 2028
High: Aggressive target to support Paris
Medium-duty delivery trucks
25-50% of medium-duty delivery trucks are electric
Low: UPS target 25% by 2025
High: Aggressive target to support Paris
Marine shipping & freight trains
Begin electrification of shipping and freight rail in the region
Ensure local delivery drones are electric
Types of Questions We Are Considering for Next Year
How do we standardize the plug design for medium- and heavy-duty trucks?
How can we ensure sufficient investment in research for advanced battery technologies that can meet the demands of medium- and heavy-duty trucks?
How do we develop the right business models and market signals to bring zero emissions trucks to cost parity with fossil-fuel trucks?